Pregnancy, Parenting, and Family Resources
Goldendale Pregnancy Resource Center is here for you!
All our services are free and confidential.
We Offer:
​Pregnancy tests
Referrals for free obstetric ultrasounds Why?
Pregnancy consultation
Abortion recovery care
Pregnancy loss support
Prenatal & parenting education
Maternity & baby supplies and clothing
Referrals to other community support

Walk In:
Tuesday 11am-3pm
Wednesday 11am-3pm
Or call for an appointment
After hours line & text
In a tough spot and need to talk to someone RIGHT NOW?
Call or text 1-800-712-4357 for Option Line 24/7/365 hotline.

Pregnancy Symptoms
​​Common pregnancy symptoms include:
Late or missed period
Tender or swollen breasts
Frequent urination
Nausea or vomiting
Backaches or mild cramping
​It's normal to feel unprepared when you think you may be pregnant. But there's good news: You have time, you have options, and you have people here waiting to support you.
​​If you're experiencing an unexpected pregnancy or think you may be pregnant, GPRC is here to help you. We provide a free, high-quality urine pregnancy test that only takes 5 minutes to run. Walk in during our regular hours or contact us for an appointment!